Bag of 25 Netafim TL2W075MA, "V" 2-Way Insert x 3/4" MPT, for Bioline greywater irrigation system
NetafimNetafim 2-way insert x 3/4" MPT fitting for Netafim’s Bioline® Dripline, the world’s most advanced continuous self-cleaning, pressure-compensating dripline and is the best choice for the Flotender greywater drip irrigation system.
Netafim Bioline® dripline delivers greywater into the soil with great precision, ensuring that the gray water does not flood an area or become exposed to people or animals. By distributing the greywater into the ‘biologically active soil horizon’, we not only allow the soil to break down the gray water, but we also allow plants, trees, bushes, and grass to use it, along with its nitrogen and phosphorus content – two of the three ingredients in fertilizer. This ecologically sound process helps protect against the contamination of lakes, rivers, streams and drinking water sources, and it provides an important benefit – the “greywater” is no longer “wastewater." It is reusable, renewable, and beneficial water that becomes a supplement to or replacement for an irrigation system.
Bioline is a state-of-the-art drip dispersal tubing that is manufactured specifically for wastewater applications. While Netafim manufactures hundreds of types of driplines, including non-pressure compensating dripline, the features and proven performance of Bioline make any reliance on non-pressure compensating driplines unnecessary. Why use only PC Dripline? The fast answer about only using pressure compensating dripline is:
Easy to design with
Provides a continuous self-flushing feature
Provides very consistent flow over time
How does Netafim’s Bioline® Dripline Work?
Bioline® dripline is comprised of highly sophisticated emitters mounted inside flexible polyethylene tubing. Each emitter delivers a slow, precise amount of greywater into the soil. Thanks to the “pressure compensation” feature built into each Bioline® emitter, the delivery of grey water is very well-balanced in the area, regardless of the length of dripline or the property’s topography. The result? The grey water is dispersed evenly into the soil, providing not only important additional treatment but providing for beneficial reuse of the nutrient-rich grey water by the landscape.
Design and installation are easy
The system designer and installer match the right Bioline® to the individual design, thus creating and maintaining the perfect environment for further treatment and beneficial reuse of the grey water. Netafim Bioline® is used with confidence in virtually any soil, topography or climate; because the area does not need to be dug up during installation with heavy equipment, landscape disruption is minimized.